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Head of School

Germantown Academy elementary students with head of school

Rich Schellhas 1760 (shell-hahse)于7月1日正式成为日耳曼学院的校长, 2016. No stranger to GA, 谢勒花了7年时间增加管理职位, 2009年,她第一次来到华盛顿堡担任高中校长,2012年,她又担任了副校长. In 2015, 1760年,他被董事会任命为校长,并与学校校长吉姆·康纳一起工作, who retired after 26 years, in 2016.

During his time at GA, Schellhas一直是一位鼓舞人心的教育家,对高中教师和学生来说是一个强大而稳定的存在, as well as a guiding force across the school. He has invigorated and reshaped GA’s academics, 学生生活和教师合作,增加新的课程, educational initiatives and activities. 他带领vwin德赢娱乐的挑战成功团队与斯坦福大学合作,分析学生压力和成就的问题, 这演变成了一项为期三年的研究,以提高学生的参与度, examine homework, and bolster student health and wellness. Schellhas also initiated Challenge GA, 围绕设计思维原则创建的高年级课程, 这一概念已被所有三个部门纳入他们的课程.

On an all-school level, 谢勒一直是重组vwin德赢娱乐行政结构的催化剂, including the redesign of the curriculum committee, school task forces, 以及与康纳一起重组管理团队. 自那以来,他一直带头努力,重振通用电气对三个部门课程的思考和开发. 谢勒发起并监督PreK-12国际课程, 包括与中国学校的师生交流和课程合作, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. 他还开发了vwin德赢娱乐和北京首都师范大学高中之间的课程合作计划,以扩大国际机会,并创造一个重要的年度辅助收入来源,以抵消GA的学费. 谢勒斯很高兴能在2020年7月的毕业典礼上作为1760届的一员加入vwin德赢娱乐的荣誉校友会.

Schellhas came to GA from St. 他在巴尔的摩郊外的保罗学校担任男校的副校长, International Baccalaureate, independent day school. During his 10-year tenure at St. Paul’s, Schellhas was Chair of the Modern Language Department, Pre-1st through 12th grade, 管理一个重要且不断增长的项目的语言发展和招生. 在此期间,谢勒还监督了四个交流和寄宿家庭项目. He chaired St. Paul’s self-study accreditation process, became Academic Dean, Pre-1st-12, in 2003, Assistant Head of School in 2005, and, the year prior to his coming to GA, was also the Acting Principal of their Upper School.

谢勒还在协助校长制定学校短期和长期规划方面发挥了关键作用, 包括一项2500万美元的教师捐赠活动,以及新建一所高中附属建筑. 他曾担任专业发展和课程发展委员会主席,并担任校董会顾问, 初中和高中校长,并监督全校范围内的教师招聘, observation and evaluation process.

Before his appointment at St. Paul's, Schellhas taught at Episcopal High School of Jacksonville, Florida where he led a thriving German program. 谢勒在乔治城大学主修德语和政府, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa in 1991, 1995年,他前往普林斯顿大学攻读德国文学硕士学位. Schellhas also spent a year teaching at Princeton. 他在德国和奥地利生活和学习了三年,并陪同数十个学生团体参加海外交流项目.

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